24 Hr Emergency Service:  608.847.6209 | 608.372.4433

Where We Work

Select the tab for your county to see if you are in one of the may areas we provide service.  Don’t see us listed in your service area? Give us a call anyway. Let’s talk. We might be able to come and it doesn’t hurt to ask. 

Don’t see us listed in your service area? Give us a call anyway! Let’s talk, we might be able to come. It doesn’t hurt to ask.

What To Expect


Strong Relationships Equal Life-Long Clients

We believe in treating every customer like a VIP, earning your business with every visit.

Powered Through Passion

Our crew loves what they do, and it shows through top-quality work on every assignment.

We Deliver Peace Of Mind

You deserve to know that your electrical system is being repaired by experts who will leave you with a safe property.

Unmatched Customer Service

Our staff works hard to ensure you are in the know at all times and feel comfortable with our team.

Highly Trained Technicians

We only work with the best electrical technicians who know the ins and outs of their work.

Unparalleled Honesty & Integrity

You don’t have to worry about misleading pricing or low-quality work when you hire Gray Electric.